Coaches & Creators: Build & sell a 4 figure service in weeks without wasting money on ads

(We’ll show you how)


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Craft a high ticket offer that clients are compelled to buy and market it with an intentional content strategy that generates leads organically on social 📈

All without any hashtag nonsense, complicated funnels or paid ads.


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What our clients have achieved...


£10,000 clients

Louise, Interior Design


Over €50,000 in wins! 

Manuel, Business Coach


£7k client in under 2 months

Zoe, Life Coach


£25,000+ in 2 months

Zack, Copywriter


£18k in month 2

Melissa, Healing Coach


£17,000 months

Laura, Business Coach




Content To Clients


Content To Clients is a six month program that provides a custom roadmap, tools, community & mentoring to help you build or scale your business online.




Who's It For?

Content To Clients is for you if you’re a coach, consultant, course creator, freelancer, creative, agency owner, or expert aiming to build or scale your business online.

If this is you, you’re probably struggling with:

  • Closing clients online
  • Selling a high ticket offer
  • Knowing which platforms to use
  • Clarity about what to do each day
  • Content that produces incoming leads


Book your free call

You'll know exactly what to sell, how to sell it, and on what channel. 

Turn your business into a client attraction machine using our step by step process, and eliminate all the guesswork.




How Does It Work?

Content To Clients provides everything you need to take your business to the next level:

  • Training: 2 x 1-hour weekly calls where Chris will answer your questions live on Zoom
  • Tools: Optimise your time, content, lead gen & sales process
  • Tutorials: You get our complete process broken down in easy to follow videos so you can improve day or night
  • Community: Join our thriving community on Slack & network with other members, all on the same mission as you
  • Guest Speakers: Monthly Q&A sessions with guest experts
  • Support: Get 24/7 support from the community, Chris & the team
  • Mindset: Monthly sessions with our business mindset coach
  • Easy Access: Login on your phone using the iOS & Android app




Content To Clients is application only

We only work with dedicated business owners who are ready to win more business by building their personal brand online.

Sound like you? 


Book your free call here

What our clients have achieved...


2 clients in week 3

Dorota, Career Coach


£0 - £7.5k in 2 months

Rachel, FB & IG Ads 


Consistent £10,000+ months

Kat, Success Coach


£10,000 months

Ed, Video Strategist


£8,500 in month one!

Kate, Strategy Coach


£13,700 months

Nick, Copywriter + Strategist


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Pick a time that suits you



But why should you listen to me? 

It's not the fact that I've helped grow an integrated marketing agency from 20-80 staff and $5m+ per year.

And it's not because I've sold content marketing solutions to the likes of Subway, FedEx, Jack Daniels and more.

It's because I’ve made mistakes that you can learn from

And I can help you avoid all of them.

  • I delayed my own growth by failing to take action for 5+ years
  • I built courses & email sequences and never launched
  • I spent days & weeks planning, and never executed
  • I’ve had some nightmare clients
  • I’ve overdelivered to clients
  • I undercharged for months


♥️ - Offer  

Craft a 4 figure offer that your clients are compelled to buy from you.

📈 - Marketing 

Multi-channel content strategy to grow, engage & generate leads.

🔍 - Lead Gen  

Organic methods to book & close your ideal clients on structured sales calls.


⚙️ - Systems & SOPs

Bespoke systems & processes to save time & maximise results. 

🧠 - Mindset  

A “can do” mindset.  Focusing on long term strategy over short term tactics.

👥 - Support

Build with a group of likeminded individuals who all invested 4 figures.




Most business owners post online with no idea where their next lead is coming from...


So we're here to help.

Take a look inside...


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